Our Vision

Red represents ‘Socialism’ - Lion Represents ‘Patriotism’

Our vision is Patriotic Socialism.

We are loyal to our motherland whose preference is for a ‘Socialist’ economic system.

We do not intend to wear coloured glasses and blindly follow party politics. As one of the Great Chinese leaders said: “We do not care whether the cat is black or white if it catches mice’

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Open letter to Mssrs. Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy

Dear President Obama, President Sarkozy and Prime Minister Cameron,

Thank you for caring about the welfare of human beings. Thank you for your concern about the safety of innocent civilians.

As you will be aware, the United Nations Organization had planned, this month, to pay homage to Muammar Al-Qathafi for his human rights record, after a carefully researched report was drawn up, praising him for his tremendous humanitarian work not only in his own country but across the African continent, where he is much respected.

Now a question. If a group of carefully trained heavily armed citizens seized power, burnt buildings, massacred civilians and destroyed government property in, say, Texas, Northern Ireland or Corsica, what would the authorities of your countries do? Stand back with their hands over their hearts or meet the challenge with armed security forces? You do know who started the massacres in Benghazi?

Another question. Where did all those former Libyan flags come from? Were they lying around somewhere in Libya for the last half-century or were they manufactured overseas, as was the Libyan "Revolution"?

Actually, a series of questions. Did you know that Muammar Al-Qathafi inherited the poorest country on Earth and turned it into the best in Africa in human development indices? Are you aware of the tremendous amount of good Muammar Al-Qathafi has done and continues to do across the African continent?

Were you aware that Libyans enjoy free housing? Have any of you implemented nationwide free housing policies in your countries?

UN Resolution 1970 (2011) forbids the supply of weaponry to the "poor unarmed civilians" (aka armed terrorists) running amuck in Libya. Why are the "rebels" then sporting sophisticated and heavy weaponry? Why are weapons being smuggled to them through the Egyptian frontier, so conveniently secured and from the west across the Tunisian frontier, the first stage of Operation Grab Libya's oil?

Who is supplying this weaponry and why is there not an independent investigation, now? UN Resolution 1973 (2011) forbids the deployment of troops in Libya. This includes special forces. What are they doing there, then? Why are they training the terrorists?

As you know, a similar uprising in Iraq was put down by your friend, the Prime Minister's troops, who opened fire killing 29 in Baghdad. Why haven't your free and independent media said a word about this? What is your policy on Yemen where the military forces of your friend the President are killing poor unarmed innocent civilians? Where is the No Fly Zone over Yemen, or Bahrain?

Why do you keep insisting you are not taking sides, when your air forces are bombing military columns from one side but facilitating the advance of the other? If that is not taking sides, I don't know what is. Why are you lying to your people?

What justifies the strafing of civilian facilities, which goes totally against the remit under Resolution 1973? Why are you attempting to murder Muammar Al-Qathafi and his children? How would you feel if someone murdered a member of your family?

You do know the origin of these wonderful unarmed civilians running around with heavy weaponry chanting Allahu Akhbar, do you not? You do also know that Muammar Al-Qathafi was one of the first figures to outlaw Al Qaeda? And you will be aware, of course, that Al Qaeda is indeed operational in Libya and has seized some sophisticated weapons systems which no doubt will be used tomorrow in a terrorist attack?
And you will be aware of the role played by AQIM in the Libyan uprising of course? Nicolas can ask Chad's President Idris Deby - he speaks French. Do you speak French President Obama? Prime Minister Cameron? You do know that AQIM has links to Al Qaeda and you also realise that in helping the "innocent civilians" you are also helping AQIM and therefore recognise that you are in fact aiding and abetting Al Qaeda?
The Americans will need no reminding what happens when you start arming Islamist fanatics, as per Afghanistan - the payback and thank you note was 9/11.

You do know that Islamist fundamentalism has been brewing in Benghazi for decades, that many members of the "Revolution" have been trained in Afghanistan, and that Al-Qathafi had caused fury there in Benghazi by daring to declare himself against stoning of women for "adultery" and the death penalty for homosexuals? Of course you also know that he stirred up rage in Benghazi by calling the Islamic veil a "rag" and a "tent"? You will be aware that the sentiment against him in Eastern Libya is because he has been throwing Islamist fundamentalists into jail, and for daring to say Christians and Jews should be allowed to visit Mecca?
Why have the Libyan information websites been taken down? Why are your governments practising cyber terrorism alongside the terrorist attacks with military equipment?

How comfortable do you feel, and I address myself to Mr. Cameron here in particular, about closing down hospitals in your country while the cost of the operation is, just in flying costs, somewhere like 50.000 pounds per aircraft per hour? To help Al Qaeda set up a base at the gates of Europe?

Do any of you know what in fact you are doing? Or are you driven by the desire for a war to bolster flagging support at home? You did realise that Colonel Muammar Al-Qathafi has a higher popularity rating inside Tripoli than you have in your capital cities?

Once again, you have jumped the gun inventing some Quixotic cause to justify your own ineptitude and to satisfy the energy and weapons lobbies which in fact run your policies. You three are the most disgusting examples of useless, spineless incompetent wannabe protagonists who have, in Libya, shown an extremely high degree of irresponsibility.

That having been said, if you want an exit strategy, here it is (because I have no doubt you are collectively unable to formulate one for yourselves). Accept the Libyan government's ceasefire, stop the campaign NOW and allow the African Union to step in and broker a deal. Stop arming terrorists, stop wasting your taxpayers' money (the bill for the Americans is already in the hundreds of millions; for the British and French many tens of millions already. How many maternity wings, how much school accommodation or medication against cancer would that fund? "Sorry Mr. Jones. We cannot continue with your treatment because the NHS does not have that type of funding. In the six hours you have been waiting to be seen, your Government has spent 300.000 on a single aircraft's sortie over Libya"). Helping Al Qaeda.

Sterling job, chaps! Tell you what...you are unfit to be in your positions. If anyone "has to go" it is you three. And this time, if I receive one single death threat in my mails (which usually follow this sort of article) I shall be investigating the source. This time I shall be implacable and shall not simply delete them.


Thursday, 24 March 2011

නේටෝ ප්රහාරයන්ට එරෙහිව කොළඹ උද්ඝෝෂණ.

Innocent Rebels in Libya??? who has got ‘Multi Barrel Rocket Launchers in this short period of time ..

Photo: www.nytimes.com

This photo tells the story behind the nature of the innocent protesters in Libya. Even Sri Lankan Government had to struggle to get those MBRL (Mobile Multi Barrel Rocket Launchers) in our fight with LTTE. Even after 30 years LTTE couldn’t buy them unless they seized from our army. These so called innocent civilian protesters turn into rebels got those heavy weapons overnight. The West is telling us to believe their fairy tale. This operation against ‘Libya’ has been planned since long time and their eye has been ‘Libya’s on the vast energy and other resources in Libya. Libya is going to be Western Cannibal’s next prey after ‘Iraq’. UN is their cover where they hide and their tool of trapping the victim. Their media is one of their weapons. I think these bogus media men should be legitimate targets of the ‘Libyan’ government in their fight against the ‘Fascist Evil Western Empire and their evil ambitions.


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Children die in Israeli attack on Gaza, say doctors.

Four Palestinian family members, including two children, have died in Gaza, in an Israeli artillery strike.
Another 12 people were wounded when an Israeli tank shell hit a home on the eastern outskirts of Gaza City.

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said it was an unfortunate mistake, but added that was "the price of dealing every day with the terrorists".


Libya costing Britain £3 million a day.

The cost to Britain of air action in Libya is running at around £3 million a day, defence experts said yesterday.
Based on the total amount spent on British air intervention in the Kosovo conflict, the Royal United Services Institute has calculated the cost to the tax payer of the Libyan campaign could reach £100 million within four to six weeks. 

This includes Britain’s share of over 120 cruise missiles fired at Libyan positions since Saturday night. These cost over £500,000 each. However their use is likely to decrease now that military planners have satisfied themselves that Gaddafi’s air defences have been effectively destroyed.
It also includes the additional cost of air support to monitor the no-fly zone and intervening against Gaddafi’s forces on the ground. 

For every hour spent in the air the cost of operating Britain’s Tornado GR4 and Typhoon aircraft is £35,000 and £70,000 respectively. 

These figures, released earlier this year by the MOD, include servicing, fuel costs, crew costs, training costs, as well as the cost of the planes and depreciation. 

The Typhoon cost per flying hour reflects the build-up of the fleet and the MOD is likely to argue that the additional cost of the Libyan operation will be less as, even in peace-time, both planes make regular training flights. 

However the cost does not include the possibility of damage or loss to any aircraft during the operations.
Professor Malcolm Chalmers, fellow in British Security Policy at the RUSI, said as operations continued the cost would fall.

“It is hard to see how you would keep up the same intensity of operations for six weeks,” he said. “Either you have significantly destroyed Gaddafi’s military capability or he has found a way to hide it. In both cases I cannot see the same level of intensity of operations continuing in the longer term.” 

What is unclear is whether it each country in the coalition will have to bare it own military cost or whether it will be spread out amongst others who are taking a less active role in the campaign but none the less support its aims. That has not been agreed and may depend on its success.

Calls grow for allies to stop air strikes on Libya


Sunday, 20 March 2011

Libyan War- An Imperialist Aggression and lessons to learn.

I have been trying to understand what's really happening in Libya as we only see & hear Western Bias Media Mafia reports just like about Sri Lanka when our country forces conducted war against LTTE Terrorists. The Western Aggressors & Imperialists who are after Libyan oil hiding their true motive behind the 'Freedom' and 'Human Rights' of the people. They have blocked nearly all the independent channels of information about 'Libya' (‘Jana’ Libyan Official News Agency site, www.allibiya.com, etc.). Now only people can hear & see Western version of the events in Libya which are coordinate by western Intelligent Agencies to fulfill their evil ambitions. These Western Media Outlets and Journalist are just like warriors who work according to the Western Military agenda. They also have recruited network of paid and unpaid agents and western supporters in those countries who write blogs, post comments in websites and write ‘Tweets’, emails, SMS and ‘Facebook messages’ etc. regularly on their behalf. They are the part of ‘artificial revolutionaries’ who work to fulfill Western cold imperialist ambitions.

We had the similar information war situation when Sri Lankan forces fought with ruthless LTTE and lots of misinformation were spread by Western Bias media (BBC, CNN, Aljazeera, Reuters, tamilnet, lankathruth, and many other foreign and local media outlets and websites) with the help of the internal and external enemies and paid agents. But luckily Mr. Gothabaya Rajapaksa had thought about it in advanced. He had initiated a reasonably sophisticated website: www.defence.lk which served a lot to counter that misinformation and gave to the world true picture what had happened in the front.    

Col. Moammar Gadhafi may not be an angel but he is not a corrupt leader compared to many 'Arab Kings' (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc.) and Emirs (Qatar, UAE etc.) or Puppet presidents like in (Yemen) and many other Arab and countries all over world. He is a 'Nationalist' and kind of a revolutionary who has his own idea about democracy and socialism in Libya according to the context of the Libyan society. We cannot solely rely on the Western borrowed democracy to develop a country. (Good example is ‘China’). At least he did not allow the Western powers to indiscriminately rob the country’s oil wealth. He rather used the income for the benefit of his own people at least a big portion of the income.

See this paragraph from the following article in www.mathaba.net:

‘Given the fact that in most of the developing countries the system of tax collection is not in place, and fiercely resisted by the business sector, the oil revenue serves as a source for the country’s annual budget that facilitates road construction, water desalination, electricity production, refinement of oil, subsidized fuel, food and transportation, not to mention free education, healthcare and housing.

For a moment, let us shed a glance at the health indicators of Libya:
Health Indicators
Libyan Jamahiriya
Middle East &
North Africa
Infant Mortality Rate {b}, 2000-2005
Under-Five Mortality Rate {b}, 2000
Life Expectancy at birth (years), 2000-05


Births Attended by Trained Personnel,

1994-2000 {c}
94 %
67 %
57 %
Adults and Children Infected with HIV/AIDS,

2001 (number)
Percent of Adults Ages 15-49 infected

with HIV or AIDS, 2001:
0.2 %
1.2 %
Safe Water and Sanitation {c}
Access to Improved Sanitation, 2000

97 %
91 %
85 %

96 %
70 %
40 %
Adult Literacy Rate, 2002

71 %
61 %
75 %

92 %
80 %
86 %
Youth Literacy Rate (ages 15-24), both sexes:

79 %
67 %
80 %

97 %
86 %
87 %

Between the years of 1980 and 2000, the life expectancy in Libya has increased by 20 years, which happened not by chance.
(Statistical data provided by Earth Trends, Country Profiles).’
That's why the greedy west doesn't like him. They like leaders like in 'Nigerian' or 'Congo' and many other ‘Arab, African, Latin American and Asian countries (Indirect Dictators, corrupt democracy). We also had this type of democracy under Mr.J.R. Jayawardena and Mr. R. Premadasa. America and West want to install such a regime in ‘Libya’ at any human cost as a remedy to their recent economic woes. They only know very well how to conquer and rob other counties from the centuries experience. They are like group of hyenas. Cleverly encircle and kill their pray and divide the blood and flesh between them. That their way of life during the past centuries. Without plundering, exploiting, robing other countries they cannot have the luxury lives they are used to have. But only percentage of the people in the west actually live good lives compared to the amount of money they rob from other countries.

Please see the following link to understand what the western, American intelligent agencies have done to block all uncontrolled information coming out from 'Libya'. This is the main part of their evil imperialist war. ‘Information War using disinformation’


I am also very disappointed about the behavior of 'Russia' and 'China' in this situation. We thought that there is some kind of a protection to the vulnerable small countries by these two powerful countries from the Western Evil Imperialism. Now it seems that money matters for them than anything else. It is very difficult to understand that Russia became so stupid that broke the faith of their friends. They haven't learnt the lession at least from ' Col. Gadhafi'. Col. Gadhafi later trusted the West (May be he didn't have a choice as after Iraq he knew that their country would have been the next target as rich with Oil and big reserves of Natural Gas). Col. Gadhafi may have not expected this scenario or he didn’t know how to prepare for it as a soldier. He and the people around him didn’t know the importance of the information war front. He may have just bought planes, missiles and anti-aircraft systems but didn’t even bother to by few servers to run .lb web extension in Libyan soil. Those servers are in USA and Americans have blocked most the Libyan websites.

Sri Lanka has also a good lesson to learn. Don’t rely on those big brothers like India, China, Russia etc. anymore as they can betray you as pawns for their profits and benefits. Self-reliance is the best option in every aspect (Economy, Food supply, defense etc.). We should increase our food production, increase the defense capabilities, up to date information technology and well-funded media and information front. We also need to have many friendly countries both regionally and around the globe.

It’s very important that we should have a highly sophisticated ‘Intelligent Agency’ with highly trained and highly skilled  agents both locally and internationally well placed to counter any threat to our countries national interests. This agency should not be used for internal political motives. This is very important for the safeguard of the national security and interests. This organization can monitor the young politicians, journalists, diplomats and other important officials from their youth to make sure they don’t betray their country and work against the collective national interests and security of the country. They also need to monitor those ‘Bloggers, websites, NGO’s etc. They need to recruit the best graduates from our universities for that agency. Sophisticated Intelligent agency is very important organization for a country if we need to develop it to a higher level. Otherwise our enemies and the counties jealous about our development could easily destabilize and also could reverse all of the developments in matter of days by false revolutions using various internal and external groups and foreign funded politicians and their political parties. Mr. Gothabaya you are an IT man and lived in USA about 15 years. You know better than us how political system in USA works and what role CIA plays in their National Security and Interests. The situation is the same in England as the intelligent agencies like MI5 work for their national interests and security. Finally my conclusion is that we need highly sophisticated Intelligent Agency which work both locally and internationally to our country to go forward. This is the best lesson we can learn from the current situation in ‘Libya’.

Independent News about Libya:

Other western independent news websites for regional news:


 News Papers:

Some comments from the people for an article published in: www.rt.com

PR101 March 18, 2011, 15:38 quote

Russia can now do one the last decent thing on the matter of Libya: just shut up! Russia had the chance to prevent this impending war against Libya and it has chosen to tacitly support military strike vote lead by the usual imperialists by its vote of absenting. I do not blame Russia for this since China and Brazil and India but also wise Germany also voted for take this dubious option. If Germany had the courageous to vote absenting from this aggressive war Russia should have the moral courage to vote no. But that did not happened; thus, we can assume that Biden’s recent trip to Moscow was successful. Only what is clearly demonstrated here is Russia is no global leader; that Russia’s weakness cannot be masked and that called Brick bloc does not represent an alternative to the unilateral global dominance of the empire. We know Russia cannot resist the will of the empire and that is sad and tragic but Russia is not the Soviet Union. It is insecure country, headed by clearly insecure President. We just have to wait and see how things unfold from this point onward.

Goran March 19, 2011, 10:34 quote

 I just don't understand. I do not understand why Russia did not block this. And then to have anyone from the Russian government warn about a possible invasion? What an insult. What happened to Russia?

Nothing could have stopped Russia from resisting if it wanted to, so I wonder what Biden offered Medvedev that's only going to be renegged in all likelihood like everything else they say they'll do. I wonder why Medvedev would allow it, knowing that the US is already violating the very arms embargo it supported and got into effect on Libya.

NL123 March 19, 2011, 12:03 quote

These "peaceful protesters" just happened to wonder into military bases (took a wrong turn did they?) arm themselves and (by pure coincindence, you understand) they siezed the strategic oil refinery locations in the East and West of the country (Ras Lanuf, Brega, Zawiya etc...). Alas PR1O1 is right in his analysis. For whatever reason Russia and China are so terrified of the NATO Axis that they don't even dare use their power of veto. Sad times, indeed.

Realist March 19, 2011, 12:20 quote
This is a pre-arranged "invasion" of Libya and its oil assets, by the banksters of the West.

Dex March 19, 2011, 12:32 quote

We had read in the media that civilians have been killed yet no footage of that or any proof..and yes rebels have to be dealt with and how come they have all those arms from where?..  so if the West is arming them then the blood is also in the Western countries hands.. the West is making this look like Gaddafi is killing people as a justification to invade. Why? Oil oh yes. And the British know that if Gaddafi prevails they are in big trouble.. so that’s why they want if out.. no idea what France wants maybe oil as well. I was really surprised that Russia did not veto it.. why I wonder? 

Nahuel March 19, 2011, 13:01 quote

We know what Is Ghaddafi all about, We knew what is the nature of western countries, we knew what their only nterest is oil. But, because of this huge amount of misleading information from  main stream medias, there was some doubt  regarding the real nature of this so called "revolution". Now we can see clearly: What kind of revolution beggs for Western Imperial forces intervention? Shame on them.

Jhon Bass March 19, 2011, 13:31 quote
If Russia not take any action against west Imperialism at this moment. There it is no any occasion in future. Russia must insist on “all necessary measures to protect civilians." which that clear it meaning is NATO also unauthorized to Assassinate any Libyan civilian. It's has always must take decision to protect Libyan civilian rather than protect NATO properties. Have to pressure on it. we don't want to hear in future that NATO also killing Libyan civilians. This is not the Afghanistan or the Iraq where they inventions earlier without per authorized issue from the UNSC. Russia always must insist and warn on this “all necessary measures to protect civilians." issue favor to Libyan civilian. Russia must have to pressure to UN and NATO when we (no problem boycotted vote) UN decided to sanction actions on the Libya it was a single country and it must be always a single country in the further and we hope that there is no any dividing where people can't trust anymore UN activities. Russia, China can beautifully pressure one those things to UN and to NATO.

Kihnu March 19, 2011, 16:42
Mee: "The problem is that the UN should have intervened earlier to save lives of civilians..."
Like they did when America attacked Afghanistan and Iraq???
The UN does not seem to be concerned about the civilians killed by American drones and predator missiles in Pakistan.  Almost 40 Pakistani civilians were killed by Americans yesterday, and as usual, the UN takes no action except to say "sorry about that".
PR101 March 19, 2011, 16:18

Sorry few typo corrections: we can see the meltdown of Russia or at east the unmasking that this country has recovered from the collapse of the Soviet Union. The West can ignore Russia. More critical is who is in the Paris meeting when it comes to Arab leaders? Most of them are fighting or suppressing their populations. So the meeting in Paris cannot be about the defense of the civilian population in Libya. So we see and wait if this colonial project succeeds of fails but Russia is not active agent of history at this moment. It was not able to steer the events unfolding in the Arab world away from western military interventions that will bring not peace but death and destruction in mass scale. Russians are happy with little things at this moment and they will receive little goodies from London, Paris and Washington by not spoiling this show. Last night I’ve one of the Soviet films called Liberation. Anybody who has ever seen these films or actual documentary of the Eastern Front in WWII knows that today’s Russia is a mere shadow of the Soviet Union both in military might and in human spirit.

Comments of another article: Posted: 14.03.11 in rt.com.

PR101 March 15, 2011, 15:22 quote
Russia should all that it can to make life difficult for Gaddafi. What Russia should never do is support the U.S military intervention in the Libya. The United States, is the nation behind such damning crimes against humanity as using nuclear weapons against civilians in WWII, the nation that used massive and state backed sexual sadism in Abu Gharaib, the nation that is running torture camp in U.S occupied Cuban land in Guantanamon, the nation that is seeking to charge the death penalty with Julian Assange and is torturing Bradley Manning, cannot be given another chance unleash corporate driven mass destruction followed by mass looting in Libya,