Sunday, 24 July 2011
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Libya Gaddafi And The New World Order
Comments from the People:
Stop the aggression in Libya, wrote::
[Moammar al-GADHAFI is] A legend. The one and only! How many more years will we have to wait to see a politician who dares to expose all the fakes? If the media honestly translated all his speeches, the world would be on his side.
I, Christella Bernardene Krebs replied @ S.T.A.I.L..:
BUT THEY WILL NOT TRANSLATE al-GADHAFI CORRECTLY! They are either ignorant or they are afraid of his real thoughts (which are marvelous and a wonder)!
In 1999, Pierre Salinger wrote on the dust jacket of al-Gadhafi’s book of miscellaneous writings about the problems of translation of al-Gadhafi’s beautiful, poetic and sometimes allagorical words. He mentions that one must have a thorough understanding of The Bible, the Quaran and unadulterated ancient world history. Also Arabic is more exact in some of its meanings than English. Still, with explanation footnotes, this CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED, as it was accomplished with “Escape into Hell and Other Stories”. Find a copy, it is exellent reading for a basic understanding of al-Gadhafi…But then there is also the BRAINWASHED MENTALITY of most Westerners: They automatilly think of Mao’s “RED-BOOK” when one mentions “THE GREEN BOOK”—They refuse to even look at it, believing it to be a Communist Manefesto….although, al-Gadhafi himself, on its very first introductory pages, openly refutes and condems communism.
[Moammar al-GADHAFI is] A legend. The one and only! How many more years will we have to wait to see a politician who dares to expose all the fakes? If the media honestly translated all his speeches, the world would be on his side.
I, Christella Bernardene Krebs replied @ S.T.A.I.L..:
BUT THEY WILL NOT TRANSLATE al-GADHAFI CORRECTLY! They are either ignorant or they are afraid of his real thoughts (which are marvelous and a wonder)!
In 1999, Pierre Salinger wrote on the dust jacket of al-Gadhafi’s book of miscellaneous writings about the problems of translation of al-Gadhafi’s beautiful, poetic and sometimes allagorical words. He mentions that one must have a thorough understanding of The Bible, the Quaran and unadulterated ancient world history. Also Arabic is more exact in some of its meanings than English. Still, with explanation footnotes, this CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED, as it was accomplished with “Escape into Hell and Other Stories”. Find a copy, it is exellent reading for a basic understanding of al-Gadhafi…But then there is also the BRAINWASHED MENTALITY of most Westerners: They automatilly think of Mao’s “RED-BOOK” when one mentions “THE GREEN BOOK”—They refuse to even look at it, believing it to be a Communist Manefesto….although, al-Gadhafi himself, on its very first introductory pages, openly refutes and condems communism.
Most people of the West have been conditioned to be totally “closed-minded”; although they will vehemently deny that. Still, ask them some questions on Africa; and see what their answers will be. (PROBABLY TOO HILARIOUS TO EVEN REPEAT!) This is a great Tragedy—
BUT I must reitterate the old adage: A prophet is never recognised in his own time….Very sad indeed. Gadhafi is a MUJJADID, undeniably YES. Also, as I expressed before:The peoples of the West are mesmorized and do not know the truth. They have been put in a BIG SLEEP by the NWO. Their lives are totally controlled by the Banksters. They have been fed, since infants, by the corrupt Mass Media.The fact is, their world is literally crumbling as I write; and they refuse to see this! What will it take to awaken the West? The whole west is in financial and spiritual collapse and they refuse to accept the reality. Anyone who tries to shake them out of their stupor to smell the roses again, is ridiculed and made into a joke—or even worse—they feel a need to “EXTERMINATE” ! as if that will cure their disasterous ills! How much longer can they go on with their false scenarios before they fall flat on their dark FAIRY tale. Can they survive not seeing the LIGHT of DAY ? Something has “got to give”!
Wall Street’s ‘rebel’ minister
A key person who can help these corporate predators is the newly appointed finance minister of the National Transition Council, Ali Tarhouni. Tarhouni left Libya in 1973 for the U.S. He taught economics at the University of Washington Graduate School of Business, specializing in stock analysis. He consults widely and sits on a number of corporate advisory boards. (
Tarhouni was a key participant in a 1994 conference on “post-Gadhafi Libya” hosted by the Washington Center for Strategic and International Studies. He promoted privatization and regional economic integration at the conference, which was also attended by various groups with ties to the National Endowment for Democracy — a conduit for the CIA.
Tarhouni was the political coordinator for a National Conference of the Libyan Opposition in Seattle. The NCLO was founded in London in 2005 and is centered on the National Salvation Front, with a history of CIA connections. (“Post-Qaddafi Libya on the Globalist Road,” Foreign Policy Journal, Feb. 26) Tarhouni is Wall Street’s point man in the pro-imperialist would-be government
A key person who can help these corporate predators is the newly appointed finance minister of the National Transition Council, Ali Tarhouni. Tarhouni left Libya in 1973 for the U.S. He taught economics at the University of Washington Graduate School of Business, specializing in stock analysis. He consults widely and sits on a number of corporate advisory boards. (
Tarhouni was a key participant in a 1994 conference on “post-Gadhafi Libya” hosted by the Washington Center for Strategic and International Studies. He promoted privatization and regional economic integration at the conference, which was also attended by various groups with ties to the National Endowment for Democracy — a conduit for the CIA.
Tarhouni was the political coordinator for a National Conference of the Libyan Opposition in Seattle. The NCLO was founded in London in 2005 and is centered on the National Salvation Front, with a history of CIA connections. (“Post-Qaddafi Libya on the Globalist Road,” Foreign Policy Journal, Feb. 26) Tarhouni is Wall Street’s point man in the pro-imperialist would-be government
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Protest Rally against the Channel 4 in London
There will be a protest rally against the Channel 4’s malicious campaign to tarnish Sri Lanka’s and our arm force’s image.
Address: Channel 4 Television Station, Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2TX
Nearest underground: St. James’s Park.
Date and Time: Sunday 17th July 2011, 1pm-5pm
If you can, please participate. If you live out side the UK then please let your friends who live in the UK know about this protest.
Channel 4 documentary ‘Sri Lanka Killing Fields’ which was broadcasted on the 14th June 2011 at 11.06pm. If you couldn’t watch it then you will be able to watch it by clicking on the following link:
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Monday, 20 June 2011
Tripoli bombings hit Britons’ in the wallet.
As civilian deaths in Libya grow, anger mounts among the Western taxpayers footing the bill for the military intervention. The conflict is expected to cost one of its key players, the UK, hundreds of millions of pounds.
Britons are already calling it the “billion-pound war”. It is calculated that if the military campaign in Libya goes on for six months, it will cost the British taxpayer US$1.6 billion. But that initial “humanitarian mission” is now a “get-rid-of-Gaddafi” operation – and that could take a lot longer.
“Assuming their goal is simply to oust him from power, one imagines this is not going to end until he is killed or leaves office, so this could potentially drag on for months more. And as we see, they’ve already extended the operation by another three months,” journalist James Corbett said.
That is unlikely to be popular with a British public that is watching government spending like a hawk right now – already furious at seeing services and jobs slashed. Even so, Downing Street’s war wallet is open, and it is taking the lead in Libya.
Data gathered by Britain’s Guardian newspaper from defense ministries and news reports shows that Britain has flown 25 per cent of all sorties in Libya, second only to the US. By the second week of May, 6,000 strike missions had been ordered.
Blogger Daniel Renwick says the UK is likely to have weighed up the cost. But with a warm wind blowing westwards from Libyan rebels and youth movements, Britain reckons a billion pounds is a pretty good investment.
“It’s about having control of North Africa’s resources, particularly Libya’s crude oil, which is easily accessible. Sales have already started to be made through the transitional council,” he told RT.
Some bombs cost up to $1.5 million dollars each, and with the UK cutting defense spending, it seems unlikely they will be replaced. And when you’re dealing with such big numbers, small things make a big difference.
“The Eurofighter Typhoon [aircraft] costs 90,000 pounds an hour [to operate], so small changes in the number of hours you estimate produce big changes in cost estimates. I would go for the upper end,” Shank Joshi from the Royal United Services Institute said.
Wars are always expensive, but the costs back home could prove more difficult to afford. Next in line to strike are a million public sector workers, who are being asked to work more and get less. The disruption to services could run into weeks.
The commitment to continue in Libya for however long suggests a blank check at a time when there is little in the kitty. The deployment of Apache helicopters does not appear to have given NATO the tactical advantage it hoped for; and every time a plane takes to the sky or drops a bomb, the cost for Britain and its beleaguered European neighbors creeps higher and higher.
“Assuming their goal is simply to oust him from power, one imagines this is not going to end until he is killed or leaves office, so this could potentially drag on for months more. And as we see, they’ve already extended the operation by another three months,” journalist James Corbett said.
That is unlikely to be popular with a British public that is watching government spending like a hawk right now – already furious at seeing services and jobs slashed. Even so, Downing Street’s war wallet is open, and it is taking the lead in Libya.
Data gathered by Britain’s Guardian newspaper from defense ministries and news reports shows that Britain has flown 25 per cent of all sorties in Libya, second only to the US. By the second week of May, 6,000 strike missions had been ordered.
Blogger Daniel Renwick says the UK is likely to have weighed up the cost. But with a warm wind blowing westwards from Libyan rebels and youth movements, Britain reckons a billion pounds is a pretty good investment.
“It’s about having control of North Africa’s resources, particularly Libya’s crude oil, which is easily accessible. Sales have already started to be made through the transitional council,” he told RT.
Some bombs cost up to $1.5 million dollars each, and with the UK cutting defense spending, it seems unlikely they will be replaced. And when you’re dealing with such big numbers, small things make a big difference.
“The Eurofighter Typhoon [aircraft] costs 90,000 pounds an hour [to operate], so small changes in the number of hours you estimate produce big changes in cost estimates. I would go for the upper end,” Shank Joshi from the Royal United Services Institute said.
Wars are always expensive, but the costs back home could prove more difficult to afford. Next in line to strike are a million public sector workers, who are being asked to work more and get less. The disruption to services could run into weeks.
The commitment to continue in Libya for however long suggests a blank check at a time when there is little in the kitty. The deployment of Apache helicopters does not appear to have given NATO the tactical advantage it hoped for; and every time a plane takes to the sky or drops a bomb, the cost for Britain and its beleaguered European neighbors creeps higher and higher.
Million Man, Woman and Child March in Tripoli, Libya.
The Libyan people have been demonstrating and showing their adherence to their historic hero, Colonel Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi, who seized power from a corrupt ignominious king in 1969 and handed to to the masses on 2nd March 1977 when the world's first self-governing masses society came into existence, thanks to direct participatory democracy by way of people's conferences and people's committees.
Since then, Mu'ammar has dedicated his life to the people of Africa and the world, speaking truth to power,putting forward solutions to the problems facing humanity, and left The Green Book as his legacy to all future generations.
Since his address to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2009, in which he called for reform of the organization, he has been targeted for elimination by those who control the UN Security Council.
Since then, Mu'ammar has dedicated his life to the people of Africa and the world, speaking truth to power,putting forward solutions to the problems facing humanity, and left The Green Book as his legacy to all future generations.
Since his address to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2009, in which he called for reform of the organization, he has been targeted for elimination by those who control the UN Security Council.
Friday, 10 June 2011
NATO official: Gadhafi a legitimate target
(CNN) -- A U.N. resolution justifies the targeting of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, a senior NATO military official with operational knowledge of the Libya mission told CNN Thursday.
Asked by CNN whether Gadhafi was being targeted, the NATO official declined to give a direct answer.
But NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu disputed the claim, saying the alliance was not specifically targeting Gadhafi.
"We are targeting critical military capabilities that could be used to attack civilians, including command and control centers that could be used to plan and organize such attacks," Lungescu said.
"We are simply not targeting individuals."
NATO has been ramping up pressure on the regime, employing helicopters last weekend for the first time against Gadhafi's forces. Explosions are heard often in Tripoli, evidence of allied air strikes.
NATO intervened in March in the months-long civil war under a U.N. mandate to protect civilians as Gadhafi tried to crush the revolt against him.
The resolution adopted by the U.N. Security Council authorized "all necessary measures," with the exception of a ground invasion, to protect civilians.
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Wednesday it is time to start planning for what to do in Libya after Gadhafi's departure "because Gadhafi's reign of terror is coming to an end."
But Gadhafi has refused to step down, going so far this week as to do a live audio broadcast as NATO warplanes bombed his Tripoli compound.
"We will not surrender," he said during Tuesday's broadcast.
NATO recently announced its decision to extend its mission in Libya by 90 days.
What about killing Prabakaran and his terrorist gang? Is killing them a war crime?
But killing a leader of a country is not a war crime. Such a hypocrisy. What kind of animals are these ‘Nato’ fascists?
මුන්ට පිස්සුද? අපිට පිස්සුද ?
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Libyan NATO rebels force captured Libyan army soldiers to eat raw dog meat
YouTube is full of evidence such as this, proudly recorded by NATO's "Libya rebels" on their mobile phones, and without any condemnation whatsoever by NATO countries.
08.06.11What is this? These are the real war crimes. Why the west keep their silence on these crimes while accusing Sri Lanka of war crimes.
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Aircraft carrier left us to die, say migrants
Exclusive: Boat trying to reach Lampedusa was left to drift in Mediterranean for 16 days, despite alarm being raised
Refugees from Libya reach Lampedusa. A warship failed to rescue a boat in trouble – leaving 61 people on board to die.
Dozens of African migrants were left to die in the Mediterranean after a number of European military units apparently ignored their cries for help, the Guardian has learned. Two of the nine survivors claim this included a Nato ship.
A boat carrying 72 passengers, including several women, young children and political refugees, ran into trouble in late March after leaving Tripoli for the Italian island of Lampedusa. Despite alarms being raised with the Italian coastguard and the boat making contact with a military helicopter and a warship, no rescue effort was attempted.
All but 11 of those on board died from thirst and hunger after their vessel was left to drift in open waters for 16 days. "Every morning we would wake up and find more bodies, which we would leave for 24 hours and then throw overboard," said Abu Kurke, one of only nine survivors. "By the final days, we didn't know ourselves … everyone was either praying, or dying."
International maritime law compels all vessels, including military units, to answer distress calls from nearby boats and to offer help where possible. Refugee rights campaigners have demanded an investigation into the deaths, while the UNHCR, the UN's refugee agency, has called for stricter co-operation among commercial and military vessels in the Mediterranean in an effort to save human lives.
"The Mediterranean cannot become the wild west," said spokeswoman Laura Boldrini. "Those who do not rescue people at sea cannot remain unpunished."
Her words were echoed by Father Moses Zerai, an Eritrean priest in Rome who runs the refugee rights organisation Habeshia, and who was one of the last people to be in communication with the migrant boat before the battery in its satellite phone ran out.
"There was an abdication of responsibility which led to the deaths of over 60 people, including children," he claimed. "That constitutes a crime, and that crime cannot go unpunished just because the victims were African migrants and not tourists on a cruise liner."
This year's political turmoil and military conflict in north Africa have fuelled a sharp rise in the number of people attempting to reach Europe by sea, with up to 30,000 migrants believed to have made the journey across the Mediterranean over the past four months. Large numbers have died en route; last month more than 800 migrants of different nationalities who left on boats from Libya never made it to European shores and are presumed dead.
Underlining the dangers, on Sunday more than 400 migrants were involved in a dramatic rescue when their boat hit rocks on Lampedusa.
The pope, meanwhile, in an address to more than 300,000 worshippers, called on Italians to welcome immigrants fleeing to their shores.
The Guardian's investigation into the case of the boat of 72 migrants which set sail from Tripoli on 25 March established that it carried 47 Ethiopians, seven Nigerians, seven Eritreans, six Ghanaians and five Sudanese migrants. Twenty were women and two were small children, one of whom was just one year old. The boat's Ghanaian captain was aiming for the Italian island of Lampedusa, 180 miles north-west of the Libyan capital, but after 18 hours at sea the small vessel began running into trouble and losing fuel.
Using witness testimony from survivors and other individuals who were in contact with the passengers during its doomed voyage, the Guardian has pieced together what happened next. The account paints a harrowing picture of a group of desperate migrants condemned to death by a combination of bad luck, bureaucracy and the apparent indifference of European military forces who had the opportunity to attempt a rescue.
The migrants used the boat's satellite phone to call Zerai in Rome, who in turn contacted the Italian coastguard. The boat's location was narrowed down to about 60 miles off Tripoli, and coastguard officials assured Zerai that the alarm had been raised and all relevant authorities had been alerted to the situation.
Soon a military helicopter marked with the word "army" appeared above the boat. The pilots, who were wearing military uniforms, lowered bottles of water and packets of biscuits and gestured to passengers that they should hold their position until a rescue boat came to help. The helicopter flew off, but no rescue boat arrived.
No country has yet admitted sending the helicopter that made contact with the migrants. A spokesman for the Italian coastguard said: "We advised Malta that the vessel was heading towards their search and rescue zone, and we issued an alert telling vessels to look out for the boat, obliging them to attempt a rescue." The Maltese authorities denied they had had any involvement with the boat.
After several hours of waiting, it became apparent to those on board that help was not on the way. The vessel had only 20 litres of fuel left, but the captain told passengers that Lampedusa was close enough for him to make it there unaided. It was a fatal mistake. By 27 March, the boat had lost its way, run out of fuel and was drifting with the currents.
"We'd finished the oil, we'd finished the food and water, we'd finished everything," said Kurke, a 24-year-old migrant who was fleeing ethnic conflict in his homeland, the Oromia region of Ethiopia. "We were drifting in the sea, and the weather was very dangerous." At some point on 29 or 30 March the boat was carried near to an aircraft carrier – so close that it would have been impossible to be missed. According to survivors, two jets took off from the ship and flew low over the boat while the migrants stood on deck holding the two starving babies aloft. But from that point on, no help was forthcoming. Unable to manoeuvre any closer to the aircraft carrier, the migrants' boat drifted away. Shorn of supplies, fuel or means of contacting the outside world, they began succumbing one by one to thirst and starvation.
The Guardian has made extensive inquiries to ascertain the identity of the aircraft carrier, and has concluded that it is likely to have been the French ship Charles de Gaulle, which was operating in the Mediterranean on those dates.
French naval authorities initially denied the carrier was in the region at that time. After being shown news reports which indicated this was untrue, a spokesperson declined to comment.
A spokesman for Nato, which is co-ordinating military action in Libya, said it had not logged any distress signals from the boat and had no records of the incident. "Nato units are fully aware of their responsibilities with regard to the international maritime law regarding safety of life at sea," said an official. "Nato ships will answer all distress calls at sea and always provide help when necessary. Saving lives is a priority for any Nato ships."
For most of the migrants, the failure of the ship to mount any rescue attempt proved fatal. Over the next 10 days, almost everyone on board died. "We saved one bottle of water from the helicopter for the two babies, and kept feeding them even after their parents had passed," said Kurke, who survived by drinking his own urine and eating two tubes of toothpaste. "But after two days, the babies passed too, because they were so small."
On 10 April, the boat washed up on a beach near the Libyan town of Zlitan near Misrata. Of the 72 migrants who had embarked at Tripoli, only 11 were still alive, and one of those died almost immediately on reaching land. Another survivor died shortly afterwards in prison, after Gaddafi's forces arrested the migrants and detained them for four days.
The route of the boat
Despite the trauma of their last attempt, the migrants – who are hiding out in the house of an Ethiopian in the Libyan capital – are willing to tackle the Mediterranean again if it means reaching Europe and gaining asylum.
"These are people living an unimaginable existence, fleeing political, religious and ethnic persecution," said Zerai. "We must have justice for them, for those that died alongside them, and for the families who have lost their loved ones."
Monday, 9 May 2011
Russian math genius answers $1 million question
Reclusive Russian math genius Grigory Perelman finally explained his rejection of a $1 million prize for solving a problem that has puzzled scientists for over a century, the Russian website reported on Friday.
"Emptiness is everywhere and it can be calculated, which gives us a great opportunity ... I know how to control the universe. So tell me, why should I run for a million?" Perelman said in an interview with journalist Alexander Zabrovsky, quoted in Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda
In March 2010, the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) of Cambridge, Massachusetts, announced that Perelman, 43, would be awarded the million dollar prize for proving the Poincare conjecture, one of seven problems on the institute's Millennium Prize list.
Perelman declined the prize.
"I learned how to calculate voids, along with my colleagues we know the mechanisms for filling in the social and economic voids," he said.
The conjecture, first proposed by Henri Poincare in 1904, posits that the three-sphere is the only type of bounded three-dimensional space possible that contains no holes.
Perelman presented proofs on the conjecture in 2002 and 2003. Several high-profile teams of mathematicians have since verified the validity of his proof.
In 2006, Perelman refused to attend a congress in Madrid where he was to receive a Fields Medal, often called the Nobel Prize of mathematics.
Perelman calls himself a "man of the Universe." It is rumored that his brain is already estimated to be worth $1 million or more, Komsomolskaya Pravda said.
Perelman, who lives in a small apartment in St. Petersburg with his elderly mother, is unemployed and neighbors say he lives in poverty. He has rejected job offers at several top U.S. universities.
MOSCOW, April 29 (RIA Novosti)
"Emptiness is everywhere and it can be calculated, which gives us a great opportunity ... I know how to control the universe. So tell me, why should I run for a million?" Perelman said in an interview with journalist Alexander Zabrovsky, quoted in Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda
In March 2010, the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) of Cambridge, Massachusetts, announced that Perelman, 43, would be awarded the million dollar prize for proving the Poincare conjecture, one of seven problems on the institute's Millennium Prize list.
Perelman declined the prize.
"I learned how to calculate voids, along with my colleagues we know the mechanisms for filling in the social and economic voids," he said.
The conjecture, first proposed by Henri Poincare in 1904, posits that the three-sphere is the only type of bounded three-dimensional space possible that contains no holes.
Perelman presented proofs on the conjecture in 2002 and 2003. Several high-profile teams of mathematicians have since verified the validity of his proof.
In 2006, Perelman refused to attend a congress in Madrid where he was to receive a Fields Medal, often called the Nobel Prize of mathematics.
Perelman calls himself a "man of the Universe." It is rumored that his brain is already estimated to be worth $1 million or more, Komsomolskaya Pravda said.
Perelman, who lives in a small apartment in St. Petersburg with his elderly mother, is unemployed and neighbors say he lives in poverty. He has rejected job offers at several top U.S. universities.
MOSCOW, April 29 (RIA Novosti)
Friday, 6 May 2011
Saving the world economy from Gaddafi
“It’s one of these things that you have to plan almost in secret, because as soon as you say you’re going to change over from the dollar to something else, you’re going to be targeted,” says Ministry of Peace founder Dr James Thring. “There were two conferences on this, in 1986 and 2000, organized by Gaddafi. Everybody was interested, most countries in Africa were keen.”
Gaddafi did not give up. In the months leading up to the military intervention, he called on African and Muslim nations to join together to create this new currency that would rival the dollar and euro. They would sell oil and other resources around the world only for gold dinars.It is an idea that would shift the economic balance of the world.
A country’s wealth would depend on how much gold it had and not how many dollars it traded. And Libya has 144 tons of gold. The UK, for example, has twice as much, but ten times the population.
“If Gaddafi had an intent to try to re-price his oil or whatever else the country was selling on the global market and accept something else as a currency or maybe launch a gold dinar currency, any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world’s central banks,” says Anthony Wile, founder and chief editor of the Daily Bell.
“So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward from moving him from power.”
And it has happened before.
In 2000, Saddam Hussein announced Iraqi oil would be traded in euros, not dollars. Some say sanctions and an invasion followed because the Americans were desperate to prevent OPEC from transferring oil trading in all its member countries to the euro.
A gold dinar would have had serious consequences for the world financial system, but may also have empowered the people of Africa, something black activists say the US wants to avoid at all costs.
“The US have denied self-determination to Africans inside the US, so we are not surprised by anything the US would do to hinder the self-determination of Africans on the continent,” says Cynthia Ann McKinney, a former US Congresswoman.
The UK’s gold is kept in a secure vault somewhere in the depths of the Bank of England. As in most developed countries, there is not enough to go around.
But that is not the case in countries like Libya and many of the Gulf States.
A gold dinar would have given oil-rich African and Middle Eastern countries the power to turn around to their energy-hungry customers and say: “Sorry, the price has gone up, and we want gold.”
Some say the US and its NATO allies literally could not afford to let that happen.
06.05.11Saturday, 16 April 2011
Gaddafi's daughter whips supporters into a frenzy with speech in Tripoli
Aisha Gaddafi tells a roaring crowd her father will not step down – 25 years after US forces bombed his Tripoli compound
Aisha Gaddafi addresses a crowd of her father's supporters at the Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli. Photograph: Pier Paolo Cito/AP
They gather nightly, ready to die for the Brother Leader. Wrapped in loyalist green, waving flags, chanting slogans, holding aloft portraits of their "Guide", singing, dancing and praying, they are Muammar Gaddafi's human shields against Nato air strikes.
In the early hours of Friday, exactly 25 years after US forces bombed Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound in central Tripoli, thousands gathered in defiance of the new international coalition against the Libyan regime's brutal efforts to suppress the uprising from the east.
Whipped up by loyalist chants led from loudspeakers and patriotic songs, they were already in a state of fervour when Aisha Gaddafi, the Libyan leader's daughter, appeared high in the skeleton of a bombed-out building.
Against a backdrop of the shattered facade and draped in a flowing headscarf of green and gold, Aisha pumped her fists at the crowd as they roared and ululated their approval.
Just a few hours earlier, Nato warplanes had flown sorties over Tripoli. Explosions and responding gunfire and anti-aircraft fire echoed around the capital, destroying at least one military site and causing blast damage to a nearby university cafeteria.
Below her was a statue of a giant golden fist crushing a western warplane in its grip. The throbbing crowd – mainly men, but including hundreds of women separated to one side – appeared intoxicated on love and loyalty.
Half a dozen of Gaddafi's fabled female protection guards stood to the side as Aisha spoke, some with their faces covered, amid an atmosphere akin to a hyped-up football crowd crossed with a rock concert.
The cult of Gaddafi is evident across the capital. Huge portraits of him – saluting with a stern expression, beaming with his hands clasped, silhouetted against the rays of a rising sun – hang from buildings. Many in the crowd on Friday night wore miniature laminated versions on green ribbons around their necks.
"I love him more than my husband," said Randa Mohamed, 28, her voice hoarse from shouting and chanting. "We will never leave him. I will do anything to protect him."
This overt display of loyalty fractures when rare opportunities for rushed conversations out of earshot of the ubiquitous regime minders and informants arise. "He must go for the sake of Libya," is a view expressed in whispers. These few glimpses beneath the surface are always accompanied by visible fear at the possibility of being overheard and punished.
As the foreign media were escorted from the compound at the end of Aisha's speech, the "Zenga Zenga" song blared from speakers. The words are taken from a speech by Saif al-Islam, Aisha's brother and Gaddafi's son, early in the conflict, in which he pledged to hunt down the rebels.
"House to house, room to room, alley to alley, person to person we will disinfect the whole country from filth," it goes. "Zenga Zenga" – alley to alley – has now become part of loyalist Libya's lexicon, a chilling term of approval among people in Gaddafi's grip.
In the early hours of Friday, exactly 25 years after US forces bombed Gaddafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound in central Tripoli, thousands gathered in defiance of the new international coalition against the Libyan regime's brutal efforts to suppress the uprising from the east.
Whipped up by loyalist chants led from loudspeakers and patriotic songs, they were already in a state of fervour when Aisha Gaddafi, the Libyan leader's daughter, appeared high in the skeleton of a bombed-out building.
Against a backdrop of the shattered facade and draped in a flowing headscarf of green and gold, Aisha pumped her fists at the crowd as they roared and ululated their approval.
Just a few hours earlier, Nato warplanes had flown sorties over Tripoli. Explosions and responding gunfire and anti-aircraft fire echoed around the capital, destroying at least one military site and causing blast damage to a nearby university cafeteria.
Aisha's message was one of uncompromising defiance. Referring to the strike in 1986, she said: "They rained down on us their missiles and bombs, they tried to kill me and they killed dozens of children in Libya. Now a quarter of a century later the same missiles and bombs are raining down on the heads of my and your children."
Below her was a statue of a giant golden fist crushing a western warplane in its grip. The throbbing crowd – mainly men, but including hundreds of women separated to one side – appeared intoxicated on love and loyalty.
"Talk about Gaddafi stepping down is an insult to all Libyans because Gaddafi is not in Libya, but in the hearts of all Libyans," Aisha told them. "Gaddafi said if the Libyan people don't want me I don't deserve to live. The Libyan people responded, 'He who doesn't want you does not deserve life'."
Half a dozen of Gaddafi's fabled female protection guards stood to the side as Aisha spoke, some with their faces covered, amid an atmosphere akin to a hyped-up football crowd crossed with a rock concert.
The cult of Gaddafi is evident across the capital. Huge portraits of him – saluting with a stern expression, beaming with his hands clasped, silhouetted against the rays of a rising sun – hang from buildings. Many in the crowd on Friday night wore miniature laminated versions on green ribbons around their necks.
"I love him more than my husband," said Randa Mohamed, 28, her voice hoarse from shouting and chanting. "We will never leave him. I will do anything to protect him."
This overt display of loyalty fractures when rare opportunities for rushed conversations out of earshot of the ubiquitous regime minders and informants arise. "He must go for the sake of Libya," is a view expressed in whispers. These few glimpses beneath the surface are always accompanied by visible fear at the possibility of being overheard and punished.
But in the Bab al-Aziziya compound, there was only one message: devotion to Gaddafi and hatred of Nato and Libya's rebel opposition. "We will never give up. Victorious or we die," ran one chant.
As the foreign media were escorted from the compound at the end of Aisha's speech, the "Zenga Zenga" song blared from speakers. The words are taken from a speech by Saif al-Islam, Aisha's brother and Gaddafi's son, early in the conflict, in which he pledged to hunt down the rebels.
"House to house, room to room, alley to alley, person to person we will disinfect the whole country from filth," it goes. "Zenga Zenga" – alley to alley – has now become part of loyalist Libya's lexicon, a chilling term of approval among people in Gaddafi's grip.
Friday, 15 April 2011
Libya: Where William Hague got it wrong.
Just who the Hell is this freak to say Gaddafi must go?
William Hague. A conceited, self-opinionated and arrogant wannabe politician so typical of little men with little lives, whose only claim to fame is to have got it so monumentally wrong about Libya and to have sided with terrorists who fought against British troops for Al-Qaeda.
William Hague, a failed politician fighting his corner in perhaps the most hated government in British history using Libya as an excuse to turn the attention away from the disastrous social policies of his party which ruined his country in the 1980s and early 1990s - reveals himself today as an abject failure as a Foreign Secretary, arguably the worst insult to British and world diplomacy in the annals of history.
Little William Hague is a protagonist, eternally searching for a front to hide behind, an excuse for his sad little existence and a cover for the extreme unpopularity of his Tory party. And like all protagonists, William Hague has jumped the gun.
Time after time after time, that whiny, tinny little voice on TV, that self-righteous tone of the British northerner-cum-toff (it never quite comes off, does it?), claiming that "Gaddafi" used weapons against innocent civilians, that NATO is there to defend civilians against a "dictator" and that "Gaddafi must go". Now just who the Hell is say anyone should go, in their own country? What kind of imperialist arrogance is that, coming from this apology for a man?
If anyone should go, it is Hague, the traitor, whose sheer arrogance and unadulterated barefaced lies match the priggishness of their delivery and the pig-headed imperialist orgy they betray. And why? Because the Libya debacle was primed and prepared in (where else?) the USA decades back, failed once, in (where else?) Benghazi in the mid 1990s and now that the oil companies have finally got their foot in Libya, it's time to go for it before the oil companies could be nationalised.
I invite him to walk around Wootton Bassett with a placard stating "I am supporting the Islamist fundamentalist terrorists from Benghazi, the ones who hate Colonel Gaddafi because he spoke out against stoning women and killing men for being homosexuals, and for calling the Moslem veil a tent, the ones who yell Allahu Akhbar like their British-hating friends in Afghanistan and who were recruited there to fight against our troops". That is precisely what William Hague is doing and anything he states to the contrary is a pig-faced lie.
Here is their Foreign Secretary, a traitor, lying about a causus belli, failing to see that the Libyan authorities are as hugely popular in most of the country as they have been successful in fighting against the Benghazi terrorists and foreign mercenaries drafted in to cause havoc across the country, now thankfully confined to Misrata and the far East. Here is their Foreign Secretary taking the side of Al Qaeda terrorists and aiding and abetting exactly the same elements who have fought against and killed British troops elsewhere.
William Hague is, in a word, a traitor. While his aircraft carry out missions supporting Islamist terrorists in Libya, wasting up to 50,000 pounds per hour per aircraft, the people of his country tighten their belts. If he had not jumped the gun, the "rebellion" would long ago have been put down in Libya, which would now be living in peace and the traitors who took up arms against the Government would have been liquidated, punished or pardoned.
What he has done is to involve his armed forces in a battle which is already lost, in a fight which is wrong. He has taken the wrong side and painted himself into a corner, his desperate plight now getting other NATO countries to shoulder some of the cost because his darling terrorist rebels are losing the battle.
If anyone should go, it is William Hague, the traitor who supports the sworn enemies of his own people, who supports Al Qaeda terrorists against a sovereign government and who wastes millions of pounds of his taxpayers' money on taking sides in a battle which has nothing to do with him. Who the Hell is this freak to say Colonel Gaddafi must go. Why? For fighting against Islamist terrorists?
Next time around, maybe William Hague should lock himself in a hotel room with a, er..."special advisor" (third picture) and get some of it out of his system before inflicting himself and his pent-up closeted frustrations on the international community. What is it with these British politicians?
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Monday, 4 April 2011
They have the authority to rob and kill who ever they want and destroy any country they want in the name of Democracy. Is it trurly Democracy or cold blooded murder? Any right minded person tell me whether these destroyers of the earth doing in LIBIYA is correct because I dont understand this cruel world. When our war heros saved thousands of civillians from destruction and death during the last phase of the Elaam war this cruel evil Empire questioned us and that Black witch Pillai make a big fuss regarding human rights etc and now what the USA,FRANCE,BRITISH AND the ass lickers in the Middle East doing, destroying and killing thousands of innocent civillians no one is questioning and no one to stand up against these criminal activities of the west. There should be someone or a group to counter their evil minds and stop these massacres of innocents.
Those white evil killers kill the people for entertainment and destroy property to test their equipment and hardware and later to sell back their arms and ammunition. They openly rob oil and the wealth of the country they destroy.They did in Iraq,Afganistan now in Libiya what next? How come when the legitimate government is there anyone can do deals with the outside world? Who gave the rebels the authority to sell oil to Qatar and other countries. How come Turkey is planning to run the Airports in other countries without permission? Isnt it pure roberry of a another country? All these Arab countries and the evil western nations rob the whole country in daylight and no organization or Governemnt have the power to put a stop for this undemocratic way of doing things in this civilized world. It’s a shame.
“They killed our youths and elders for entertainment, during the night they smoked Marijuanna and opium and in the morning they go and kill our people” quote from HAMID KARZAI the Afgan President. This is how they AMERICAN,BRITISH AND THE WESTERN STOOGES AND hypocrits,killers and destroyers do to the innocents in the whole world. They dont have any shame, in the pretext of terrorism they kill as they wish. Russia,China and the rest of the world should stand up and tell these bastards enough is enough otherwise there wont be any civilized country left in this world. What is that Monkey Moon doing? Why not sending his troops to Bharain,Yemen and do the same like in Libiya? How many were killed in Bharain and Yemen and what they did to their people why not Pillai the bitch doesnt question those Governments? Thank God we have a great leader who stood tall against those cowards and hypocrits. Though small we are straight forward in telling the world in one voice that we are against the wrong doing of the evil empires. If not for the courage of our President we too would have been in the same soup.
Hugo Chavez is the only leader who talks against these criminals openly and I hope decent leaders in this world should wake up and call to stop this massacre in LIBIYA. Who ever is right or wrong in this conflict should not allow so many countries to come and destroy one country like this. It’s a sovereign country and it should be respected. Every two to three years these Evil empires get together and destroy a country they themselves choose. Their main aim is to rob countries wealth nothing else. They pretend that they are friends of the country and enter and loot the wealth in daylight. From 2001 still they couldnt catch BIN LADEN or his second in command? Al QEDA is all over the place and they kill innocents in thousands and our most modern evil empires cannot do anything. They are helping new AL QEDA groups in the world and armed them. They want terrorism to go on in this world so they can sell their arms and ammunition to stupid countries in this cruel world. Why any country follow America I dont understand They are not truely a friend. They leave their friends when in trouble and take the sides of terrorists. If Brotherhood comes to power in Egypt just imagine the situation? Hezbollah in Lebnon,Hamas in Palstine,Brotherhood in Egypt and Iran on top. Will there be any peace for America in that situation? They will dig their own graves sooner or later. The evil Empires will have to beg in years to come because of their behaviour. I hope we can see that day very soon.
All peace loving countries and the people should get together and say in one voice to these cowboys stop all these massacres in this world or should not follow them and say Yes to them in any world forum like in UN or other world bodies. We should fearlessly object to their demands and requests and show courage and true democracy. We should not bow down to these white slaves. Asia must take the lead role. The countries sould be like Russia and China without interfering in other countries and help others and be friendly with all. This is the true democracy helping your own people and helping others in a friendly way without giving pain and sorrow to others. How many die per day how many without hands and legs due to wars. How many have lost their loved ones, properties and wealth due to dirty wars? Why these criminal America and westren so called International community doesnt understand or hear the cries of millions around the world? What is the purpose in having world bodies like U.N. Commonwealth,Human rights etc if there is no truth and fair play in this world? What about Ivory Coast? Why Obama the great peace maker doesnt take any action there? Why not go there and start another war? Maybe they dont like coffee much? I read so many articles and we write so many articles but what’s the use when we see this cruel world do as they pleased and make millions of people homeless,miserable and starvation. Who will understand the value of a human life? How many are getting killed in Pakistan daily? Why these killers target innocents? What is the difference between Terrorists and America,France and British together? They both do the same killing innocents in broad daylight. Please stand up for PEACE around the world. Let’s be friends with everybody not enemies.Lets help each other instead of hatered and wars. We the humans are all same although we are born in diffrenet colors and countries and to diffrent Mothers. All religions preech PEACE and LOVE so let it be and say in one voice NO to WARS and indiscriminate killings of innocents.
Hands off LIBIYA and other poor countries around the world. You bloody barbarians stop killing innocent civillians and learn to respect other nations. Human rights watch dogs treay every country alike and with respect and dignity. Lead this world in the right path and PEACE not WAR and destruction. Learn from our beloved country how to win WAR AND PEACE. Thanks to our War heros we managed to put a full stop to terror and destructions.
Ranjit Wickremeratne.
Those white evil killers kill the people for entertainment and destroy property to test their equipment and hardware and later to sell back their arms and ammunition. They openly rob oil and the wealth of the country they destroy.They did in Iraq,Afganistan now in Libiya what next? How come when the legitimate government is there anyone can do deals with the outside world? Who gave the rebels the authority to sell oil to Qatar and other countries. How come Turkey is planning to run the Airports in other countries without permission? Isnt it pure roberry of a another country? All these Arab countries and the evil western nations rob the whole country in daylight and no organization or Governemnt have the power to put a stop for this undemocratic way of doing things in this civilized world. It’s a shame.
“They killed our youths and elders for entertainment, during the night they smoked Marijuanna and opium and in the morning they go and kill our people” quote from HAMID KARZAI the Afgan President. This is how they AMERICAN,BRITISH AND THE WESTERN STOOGES AND hypocrits,killers and destroyers do to the innocents in the whole world. They dont have any shame, in the pretext of terrorism they kill as they wish. Russia,China and the rest of the world should stand up and tell these bastards enough is enough otherwise there wont be any civilized country left in this world. What is that Monkey Moon doing? Why not sending his troops to Bharain,Yemen and do the same like in Libiya? How many were killed in Bharain and Yemen and what they did to their people why not Pillai the bitch doesnt question those Governments? Thank God we have a great leader who stood tall against those cowards and hypocrits. Though small we are straight forward in telling the world in one voice that we are against the wrong doing of the evil empires. If not for the courage of our President we too would have been in the same soup.
Hugo Chavez is the only leader who talks against these criminals openly and I hope decent leaders in this world should wake up and call to stop this massacre in LIBIYA. Who ever is right or wrong in this conflict should not allow so many countries to come and destroy one country like this. It’s a sovereign country and it should be respected. Every two to three years these Evil empires get together and destroy a country they themselves choose. Their main aim is to rob countries wealth nothing else. They pretend that they are friends of the country and enter and loot the wealth in daylight. From 2001 still they couldnt catch BIN LADEN or his second in command? Al QEDA is all over the place and they kill innocents in thousands and our most modern evil empires cannot do anything. They are helping new AL QEDA groups in the world and armed them. They want terrorism to go on in this world so they can sell their arms and ammunition to stupid countries in this cruel world. Why any country follow America I dont understand They are not truely a friend. They leave their friends when in trouble and take the sides of terrorists. If Brotherhood comes to power in Egypt just imagine the situation? Hezbollah in Lebnon,Hamas in Palstine,Brotherhood in Egypt and Iran on top. Will there be any peace for America in that situation? They will dig their own graves sooner or later. The evil Empires will have to beg in years to come because of their behaviour. I hope we can see that day very soon.
All peace loving countries and the people should get together and say in one voice to these cowboys stop all these massacres in this world or should not follow them and say Yes to them in any world forum like in UN or other world bodies. We should fearlessly object to their demands and requests and show courage and true democracy. We should not bow down to these white slaves. Asia must take the lead role. The countries sould be like Russia and China without interfering in other countries and help others and be friendly with all. This is the true democracy helping your own people and helping others in a friendly way without giving pain and sorrow to others. How many die per day how many without hands and legs due to wars. How many have lost their loved ones, properties and wealth due to dirty wars? Why these criminal America and westren so called International community doesnt understand or hear the cries of millions around the world? What is the purpose in having world bodies like U.N. Commonwealth,Human rights etc if there is no truth and fair play in this world? What about Ivory Coast? Why Obama the great peace maker doesnt take any action there? Why not go there and start another war? Maybe they dont like coffee much? I read so many articles and we write so many articles but what’s the use when we see this cruel world do as they pleased and make millions of people homeless,miserable and starvation. Who will understand the value of a human life? How many are getting killed in Pakistan daily? Why these killers target innocents? What is the difference between Terrorists and America,France and British together? They both do the same killing innocents in broad daylight. Please stand up for PEACE around the world. Let’s be friends with everybody not enemies.Lets help each other instead of hatered and wars. We the humans are all same although we are born in diffrenet colors and countries and to diffrent Mothers. All religions preech PEACE and LOVE so let it be and say in one voice NO to WARS and indiscriminate killings of innocents.
Hands off LIBIYA and other poor countries around the world. You bloody barbarians stop killing innocent civillians and learn to respect other nations. Human rights watch dogs treay every country alike and with respect and dignity. Lead this world in the right path and PEACE not WAR and destruction. Learn from our beloved country how to win WAR AND PEACE. Thanks to our War heros we managed to put a full stop to terror and destructions.
Ranjit Wickremeratne.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Reason for war? Gaddafi wanted to nationalise oil.
he Libyan leader proposed the nationalisation of U.S. oil companies, as well as those of UK, Germany, Spain, Norway, Canada and Italy in 2009.
On January 25, 2009, Muammar Al Gaddafi announced that his country was studying the nationalisation of foreign companies due to lower oil prices.
"The oil-exporting countries should opt for nationalisation because of the rapid fall in oil prices. We must put the issue on the table and discuss it seriously," said Gaddafi.
"Oil should be owned by the State at this time, so we could better control prices by the increase or decrease in production," said the Libyan leader.
These statements have worried the main foreign companies operating in Libya: Anglo-Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, U.S. ExxonMobil, Hess Corp., Marathon Oil, Occidental Petroleum and ConocoPhillips, the Spanish Repsol, Germany's Wintershall, Austria's OMV , Norway's Statoil, Eni and Canada's Petro Canada.
In 2008, the Libyan state oil company, National Oil, prepared a report on the subject in which officials suggested modifying the production-sharing agreements with foreign companies in order to increase state revenues.
As a result of these contract changes, Libya gained 5.4 billion dollars in oil revenues.
On February 16, 2009, Gaddafi took a step further and called on Libyans to back his proposal to dismantle the government and to distribute the oil wealth directly to the 5 million inhabitants of the country.
However, his plan to deliver oil revenues directly to the Libyan people met opposition by senior officials who could lose their jobs due to a parallel plan by Gaddafi to rid the state of corruption.
Some officials, including Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi, Ali Al-Mahmoudi and Farhat Omar Bin Guida, of the Central Bank, told Gaddafi that the measure could harm the country's economy in the long term due to "capital flight."
Some officials, including Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi, Ali Al-Mahmoudi and Farhat Omar Bin Guida, of the Central Bank, told Gaddafi that the measure could harm the country's economy in the long term due to "capital flight."
"Do not be afraid to directly redistribute the oil money and create fairer governance structures that respond to people's interests," Gaddafi said in a Popular Committee.
The Popular Committees are the backbone of Libya. Through them citizens are represented at the district level.
"The Administration has failed and the state's economy has failed. Enough is enough. The solution is for the Libyan people to directly receive oil revenues and decide what to do with them," Gaddafi said in a speech broadcast on state television. To this end, the Libyan leader urged a radical reform of government bureaucracy.
Despite this, senior Libyan government officials voted to delay Gaddafi's plans. Only 64 ministers from a total of 468 Popular Committee members voted for the measure. There were 251 who saw the measures as positive, but chose to delay their implementation.
"The Administration has failed and the state's economy has failed. Enough is enough. The solution is for the Libyan people to directly receive oil revenues and decide what to do with them," Gaddafi said in a speech broadcast on state television. To this end, the Libyan leader urged a radical reform of government bureaucracy.
Despite this, senior Libyan government officials voted to delay Gaddafi's plans. Only 64 ministers from a total of 468 Popular Committee members voted for the measure. There were 251 who saw the measures as positive, but chose to delay their implementation.
Given the rejection of the Committee, Gaddafi affirmed before a public meeting: "My dream during all these years was to give the power and wealth directly to the people."
So...another big LIE falls by the wayside, the false image of Ghaddafi the dictator who robs from his people.
So far we have had pictures of pro-Ghaddafi demonstrations being portrayed as being against him. The professional, foreign and Photoshop nature of anti-Ghaddafi posters being bandied about were noted, along with signs being held upside down by people not knowing the alphabet placed on the signs.
We have had pictures of one sided battles where heavily armed terrorists are "fighting" with nobody. We have had reports, glaringly false, that Ghaddafi was fleeing the country.
We have had more than enough reports of bombings against his own people that never happened, as well as attacks against "unarmed civilians" that proved to be incorrect. It is patently obvious that there are no "unarmed civilians" involved in these actions against Ghaddafi, but CIA and other intelligence service mercenaries, foreign elements and Al Qaeda.
It has been brought to light that the living standard in Libya is the highest in Africa and that Libya was to be commended for its human rights record.
How many lies do we have to catch them in before somebody in charge buys a clue? It's no sale!
They try to portray Ghaddafi as crazy when he speaks of fighting Al Qaeda and now they have to admit it's true.
Two documents strongly back Gaddafi on this issue, according to the findings of Alexander Cockburn.
Two documents strongly back Gaddafi on this issue, according to the findings of Alexander Cockburn.
"The first is a secret cable to the State Department from the US embassy in Tripoli in 2008, part of the WikiLeaks trove, entitled, "Extremism in Eastern Libya," which revealed that this area is rife with anti-American, pro-jihad sentiment.
The second document, or rather set of documents, are the so-called Sinjar Records, captured al-Qaeda documents that fell into American hands in 2007. They were duly analysed by the Combating Terrorism Center at the US Military Academy at West Point. Al-Qaeda is a bureaucratic outfit and the records contain precise details on personnel, including those who came to Iraq to fight American and coalition forces and, when necessary, commit suicide.
The West Point analysts' statistical study of the al-Qaeda personnel records concludes that one country provided "far more" foreign fighters in per capita terms than any other: namely, Libya."
So who is the crazy one? Obviously that gang of lunatics savagely launching attacks on Libya based on the worst collection of lies in the history of the world. If you want to know where they are headed, just look at their track record, littered with genocide, theft and destruction.
More and more evidence is surfacing that this entire operation has been planned from outside (read U.S. and EU) for quite some time. First surround (Egypt and Tunisia), then invade. Wesley Clarke revealed the laundry list which included Libya.
In the U.S., there is a particulary motley group of interventionist war mongers who don't know what they're doing: Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and Samantha Power, obviously sexually frustrated and repressed man hating lesbians who want to prove they are he-men.
We are also seeing attacks on residential areas, many civilians being killed. There have been attacks on Ghaddafi's living area, a clear attempt at assassination. Today intelligence also reports they plan a ground invasion. The fascists of the west never change. The term "humanitarian bombing" reminds of George Orwell doublespeak.
One can only heartily agree on Gaddafi's statement: They are "a group of crazy fascists that will end in the garbage dump of history."
History will surely judge them on the same page as Adolph Hitler.
25.03.11Thursday, 31 March 2011
Open letter to Mssrs. Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy
Dear President Obama, President Sarkozy and Prime Minister Cameron,
Thank you for caring about the welfare of human beings. Thank you for your concern about the safety of innocent civilians.
As you will be aware, the United Nations Organization had planned, this month, to pay homage to Muammar Al-Qathafi for his human rights record, after a carefully researched report was drawn up, praising him for his tremendous humanitarian work not only in his own country but across the African continent, where he is much respected.
Now a question. If a group of carefully trained heavily armed citizens seized power, burnt buildings, massacred civilians and destroyed government property in, say, Texas, Northern Ireland or Corsica, what would the authorities of your countries do? Stand back with their hands over their hearts or meet the challenge with armed security forces? You do know who started the massacres in Benghazi?
Another question. Where did all those former Libyan flags come from? Were they lying around somewhere in Libya for the last half-century or were they manufactured overseas, as was the Libyan "Revolution"?
Actually, a series of questions. Did you know that Muammar Al-Qathafi inherited the poorest country on Earth and turned it into the best in Africa in human development indices? Are you aware of the tremendous amount of good Muammar Al-Qathafi has done and continues to do across the African continent?
Were you aware that Libyans enjoy free housing? Have any of you implemented nationwide free housing policies in your countries?
UN Resolution 1970 (2011) forbids the supply of weaponry to the "poor unarmed civilians" (aka armed terrorists) running amuck in Libya. Why are the "rebels" then sporting sophisticated and heavy weaponry? Why are weapons being smuggled to them through the Egyptian frontier, so conveniently secured and from the west across the Tunisian frontier, the first stage of Operation Grab Libya's oil?
Who is supplying this weaponry and why is there not an independent investigation, now? UN Resolution 1973 (2011) forbids the deployment of troops in Libya. This includes special forces. What are they doing there, then? Why are they training the terrorists?
As you know, a similar uprising in Iraq was put down by your friend, the Prime Minister's troops, who opened fire killing 29 in Baghdad. Why haven't your free and independent media said a word about this? What is your policy on Yemen where the military forces of your friend the President are killing poor unarmed innocent civilians? Where is the No Fly Zone over Yemen, or Bahrain?
Why do you keep insisting you are not taking sides, when your air forces are bombing military columns from one side but facilitating the advance of the other? If that is not taking sides, I don't know what is. Why are you lying to your people?
You do know the origin of these wonderful unarmed civilians running around with heavy weaponry chanting Allahu Akhbar, do you not? You do also know that Muammar Al-Qathafi was one of the first figures to outlaw Al Qaeda? And you will be aware, of course, that Al Qaeda is indeed operational in Libya and has seized some sophisticated weapons systems which no doubt will be used tomorrow in a terrorist attack?
And you will be aware of the role played by AQIM in the Libyan uprising of course? Nicolas can ask Chad's President Idris Deby - he speaks French. Do you speak French President Obama? Prime Minister Cameron? You do know that AQIM has links to Al Qaeda and you also realise that in helping the "innocent civilians" you are also helping AQIM and therefore recognise that you are in fact aiding and abetting Al Qaeda?
The Americans will need no reminding what happens when you start arming Islamist fanatics, as per Afghanistan - the payback and thank you note was 9/11.
You do know that Islamist fundamentalism has been brewing in Benghazi for decades, that many members of the "Revolution" have been trained in Afghanistan, and that Al-Qathafi had caused fury there in Benghazi by daring to declare himself against stoning of women for "adultery" and the death penalty for homosexuals? Of course you also know that he stirred up rage in Benghazi by calling the Islamic veil a "rag" and a "tent"? You will be aware that the sentiment against him in Eastern Libya is because he has been throwing Islamist fundamentalists into jail, and for daring to say Christians and Jews should be allowed to visit Mecca?
Why have the Libyan information websites been taken down? Why are your governments practising cyber terrorism alongside the terrorist attacks with military equipment?
How comfortable do you feel, and I address myself to Mr. Cameron here in particular, about closing down hospitals in your country while the cost of the operation is, just in flying costs, somewhere like 50.000 pounds per aircraft per hour? To help Al Qaeda set up a base at the gates of Europe?
Do any of you know what in fact you are doing? Or are you driven by the desire for a war to bolster flagging support at home? You did realise that Colonel Muammar Al-Qathafi has a higher popularity rating inside Tripoli than you have in your capital cities?
Once again, you have jumped the gun inventing some Quixotic cause to justify your own ineptitude and to satisfy the energy and weapons lobbies which in fact run your policies. You three are the most disgusting examples of useless, spineless incompetent wannabe protagonists who have, in Libya, shown an extremely high degree of irresponsibility.
That having been said, if you want an exit strategy, here it is (because I have no doubt you are collectively unable to formulate one for yourselves). Accept the Libyan government's ceasefire, stop the campaign NOW and allow the African Union to step in and broker a deal. Stop arming terrorists, stop wasting your taxpayers' money (the bill for the Americans is already in the hundreds of millions; for the British and French many tens of millions already. How many maternity wings, how much school accommodation or medication against cancer would that fund? "Sorry Mr. Jones. We cannot continue with your treatment because the NHS does not have that type of funding. In the six hours you have been waiting to be seen, your Government has spent 300.000 on a single aircraft's sortie over Libya"). Helping Al Qaeda.
Sterling job, chaps! Tell you are unfit to be in your positions. If anyone "has to go" it is you three. And this time, if I receive one single death threat in my mails (which usually follow this sort of article) I shall be investigating the source. This time I shall be implacable and shall not simply delete them.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Innocent Rebels in Libya??? who has got ‘Multi Barrel Rocket Launchers in this short period of time ..
This photo tells the story behind the nature of the innocent protesters in Libya. Even Sri Lankan Government had to struggle to get those MBRL (Mobile Multi Barrel Rocket Launchers) in our fight with LTTE. Even after 30 years LTTE couldn’t buy them unless they seized from our army. These so called innocent civilian protesters turn into rebels got those heavy weapons overnight. The West is telling us to believe their fairy tale. This operation against ‘Libya’ has been planned since long time and their eye has been ‘Libya’s on the vast energy and other resources in Libya. Libya is going to be Western Cannibal’s next prey after ‘Iraq’. UN is their cover where they hide and their tool of trapping the victim. Their media is one of their weapons. I think these bogus media men should be legitimate targets of the ‘Libyan’ government in their fight against the ‘Fascist Evil Western Empire and their evil ambitions.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Children die in Israeli attack on Gaza, say doctors.
Four Palestinian family members, including two children, have died in Gaza, in an Israeli artillery strike.
Another 12 people were wounded when an Israeli tank shell hit a home on the eastern outskirts of Gaza City.Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said it was an unfortunate mistake, but added that was "the price of dealing every day with the terrorists".
Libya costing Britain £3 million a day.
The cost to Britain of air action in Libya is running at around £3 million a day, defence experts said yesterday.
Based on the total amount spent on British air intervention in the Kosovo conflict, the Royal United Services Institute has calculated the cost to the tax payer of the Libyan campaign could reach £100 million within four to six weeks.
This includes Britain’s share of over 120 cruise missiles fired at Libyan positions since Saturday night. These cost over £500,000 each. However their use is likely to decrease now that military planners have satisfied themselves that Gaddafi’s air defences have been effectively destroyed.
It also includes the additional cost of air support to monitor the no-fly zone and intervening against Gaddafi’s forces on the ground.
For every hour spent in the air the cost of operating Britain’s Tornado GR4 and Typhoon aircraft is £35,000 and £70,000 respectively.
These figures, released earlier this year by the MOD, include servicing, fuel costs, crew costs, training costs, as well as the cost of the planes and depreciation.
The Typhoon cost per flying hour reflects the build-up of the fleet and the MOD is likely to argue that the additional cost of the Libyan operation will be less as, even in peace-time, both planes make regular training flights.
However the cost does not include the possibility of damage or loss to any aircraft during the operations.
Professor Malcolm Chalmers, fellow in British Security Policy at the RUSI, said as operations continued the cost would fall.
“It is hard to see how you would keep up the same intensity of operations for six weeks,” he said. “Either you have significantly destroyed Gaddafi’s military capability or he has found a way to hide it. In both cases I cannot see the same level of intensity of operations continuing in the longer term.”
What is unclear is whether it each country in the coalition will have to bare it own military cost or whether it will be spread out amongst others who are taking a less active role in the campaign but none the less support its aims. That has not been agreed and may depend on its success.
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April 3rd, 2011 at 12:40 pm Some in UK have questioned why Western nations did not attack Sri Lanka to protect the civilians, as the Western nations are doing in Libya now. This is a coded message asking why Western nations did not attack Sri Lanka, to protect the terrorists they created. History shows that Western nations are evil and they have killed millions of people all over the world. No supernatural power has helped any one in the world, ever, defend against aggressors. Lord Buddha did not protect Nalanda Buddhists and neither did he protect us from invading Tamils or invading Western imperialists.. If we want to protect our selves then the only way is to have a defence strategy and stop depending on ancient belief systems that even Indians do not believe. If we want extinction as our aim, then it is easy to achieve it by ignoring defence, as happened to Nalanda Buddhists. Some Tamils and Norwegians are hell bent on sending us to extinction, by promoting ancient belief systems, that will prevent us from thinking critically.