Our Vision

Red represents ‘Socialism’ - Lion Represents ‘Patriotism’

Our vision is Patriotic Socialism.

We are loyal to our motherland whose preference is for a ‘Socialist’ economic system.

We do not intend to wear coloured glasses and blindly follow party politics. As one of the Great Chinese leaders said: “We do not care whether the cat is black or white if it catches mice’

Saturday 27 March 2010

Word Cinema- ‘Spartacus’

Spartacus Last Scene

One of the master pieces of the ‘World Cinema’, ‘Spartacus’. ‘Spartacus’ was a ‘Jewish’ salve who lives at the same time with ‘Jesus’about two thousand years ago. According to the legend he rebelled against the ‘Powerful Roman Empire with the fellow slaves and one of the first true ‘revolutionaries’ in the history who fought for the right of the ‘Slaves’. Roman Empire defeated the ‘rebellion’ and crucified nearly 40000 rebel slaves togther with ‘Spartacus’ as a punishment. Those ‘Roman’ imperialists let the name of ‘Spartacus’ to fade away in the sand of the history. But promoted ‘the teaching of ‘Jesus’ as ‘Jesus’s teaching was less threatening and harmful to their exploitation. Jesus preached people about the non violence and the place in the heaven when they died. His teaching was ideal for the ‘Roman Imperialists’ who were scared of boldly rebellion from the people who they cruelly exploited.

‘Spartacus’ should be remembered as a true hero and a revolutionary.

By Chinthaka.

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