Our Vision

Red represents ‘Socialism’ - Lion Represents ‘Patriotism’

Our vision is Patriotic Socialism.

We are loyal to our motherland whose preference is for a ‘Socialist’ economic system.

We do not intend to wear coloured glasses and blindly follow party politics. As one of the Great Chinese leaders said: “We do not care whether the cat is black or white if it catches mice’

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Katyusha - Soviet War Red Army song. In Russian with English Subtitles.

Katyusha- Yulya Nachalova, victory day Moscow

බටහිර සංස්කෘතියට ගැති රසවින්දනයෙන්

ජනතාව මුඳවා ගනිමු.

අසියානු, අප්රිකානු, ලතින් ඇමෙරිකානු සංගීතය,

සාහිත්ය රසවිඳිමු.

By Chinthaka.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chintaka
    Appreciate your new idea. World is fed-up with the American and other western music and art which is mainly a money oriented commercialized product.
