Our Vision

Red represents ‘Socialism’ - Lion Represents ‘Patriotism’

Our vision is Patriotic Socialism.

We are loyal to our motherland whose preference is for a ‘Socialist’ economic system.

We do not intend to wear coloured glasses and blindly follow party politics. As one of the Great Chinese leaders said: “We do not care whether the cat is black or white if it catches mice’

Monday 22 February 2010

The split within: Two years on since Kosovo declared independence.

The second anniversary of Kosovo's self-proclaimed independence comes amid concerns over its legal status.

By Courtesy of www.rt.com
22 February, 2010.


After Western backed independence, the Serbs who live in the ‘Kosovo’ province stateless and helpless now. Under the Serbs (In former ‘Yugoslav Socialist Federation and later ‘Serbia’ after the breakup of ‘Yugoslavia) ethnic Albanians in ‘Kosovo’ province enjoyed lots of rights and equal opportunities in every aspects. But at that time Western politician were very critical about the human rights issues, press freedom and discrimination etc in ‘Kosovo’ province. The West funded and trained ‘Kosovo Liberation Army’ (KLA) to fight with ‘Yugoslav security forces’. KLA committed lots of atrocities against Serbs in Kosovo. But the Western politicians cried very loud and accused Serbs and then ‘Yugoslav’ president of ‘War crimes’. They branded socialist President Milosevic who tried to save the ‘Yugoslav federation and the secession of ‘Kosovo’ as a war criminal. Ultimately using an artificial revolution they brought their obedient puppet politicians to power in the remaining ‘Yugoslavia’. Those puppet politicians later handed over Mr. Slobodan Milosevic to the ‘Hague’ war crime tribunal. After years of a show trial ultimately they killed Mr. Milosevic (by a so called heart attack under mysterious circumstances) in the ‘Hague’ prison. Later ‘Kosovo’ declared independence without the consent of Serbia and the West was eager to recognized its independence status without any hesitation.

This is what exactly those fascist Western powers wanted to do in Sri Lanka using Tamil Elam. They could not achieve their goal due to the brave leadership provided by President Rajapaksa, the effective war management of Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, diplomatic skills of Mr. Basil Rajapaksa and the sacrifices of war heroes. The other factor was the help given by the friendly countries such as India, China, Iran and Russia. Without those helps we could not have defeated the separatism in Sri Lanka. ‘Prabakaran’ and the gang would have carved a separate country within Sri Lanka with the backing of Western politicians and their agents within Sinhalese. The Western powers would have recognized ‘Tamil Elam’ independence without hesitation. Sri Lanka had a very lucky escape thanks to the firm leadership and heroic security forces.

By Chinthaka

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