Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has dropped her legal challenge against her rival's victory in Ukraine's presidential election.
Mrs Tymoshenko said the court was not interested in giving her justice in her case against winner Viktor Yanukovych.
The Kiev court had suspended the result when Mrs Tymosheko appealed on Tuesday, claiming the poll was rigged.
International monitors deemed the vote free and fair, and Mr Yanukovych is due to be inaugurated on 25 February.
Ukrainian Central Electoral Commission's declaration on Sunday that Mr Yanukovych had won the vote by a margin of 3.48%.
Mrs Tymoshenko complained that the court proceedings were biased against her.
"Given that the court is refusing to establish the truth in essence, I withdrew my lawsuit at today's morning sitting of the Supreme Administrative Court and asked the court to stop this show, which bears no resemblance to justice," she said.
Political deadlock
Mrs Tymoshenko had so far rejected Mr Yanukovych's appeals for her to accept defeat, claiming the election was marred by "systemic, fundamental and general falsifications".
As recently as Friday she had appealed for the poll to be declared void, saying: "I cannot accept double standards and I cannot give up".
The prime minister said more than a million votes, which she said were decisive to the outcome, were invalid.
But she said she would not call people on to the streets to protest, as she had done during the Orange Revolution after the 2004 presidential election.
Mr Yanukovych was pronounced the victor after that vote, only for the result to be overruled because of vote-rigging.
The uprising eventually brought Ms Tymoshenko's erstwhile ally, President Viktor Yushchenko, to power.
Ukraine has been in political deadlock for several years, undermining its ability to deal with a severe economic crisis. Analysts said Mrs Tymoshenko's challenge would only prolong the instability.
With Mrs Tymoshenko still heading the government, stalemate is likely to continue. Mr Yanukovych has said he wants to form a new coalition, and may try to call snap parliamentary elections.
By Courtesy of
20 February, 2010
Another classic example of the behavior of a defeated presidential candidate who was backed by the American Western Powers. Current Prime minister Mrs. Tymoshenko who was an obedient puppet politician of the Western powers can not except the people’s verdict and claim all kind of nonsense just to discredit the victory of Mr. Yanukovych. In the last presidential elections they reversed the victory of Mr. Yanukovych using Western funded media and organizing mass protest funded by millions of Western money. It was another artificial fascist revolution which brought former President Mr. Victor Yushchenko and Mrs. Tymoshenko to the power. Their coalition government completely ruined the ‘Ukrainian’ economy and created a great instability in the country. Even though now those puppets were defeated by a considerable margin they still could not come to term with their defeat and try to create instability using bogus claims.
That is very similar to what our defeated puppet politician’s behavior in Sri Lanka. Mr. Somahanse, An(ura) Kumara and UNP collations gang claim all short of nonsense just to discredit the victory of the President Rajapaksa. They challenge the people’s verdict by bogus claims such as ‘Computer Jilmat’. Now those idiot politicians have become real jokers in the eyes of the people. People no longer take them seriously. They have destroyed the credibility of the JVP which acted as a powerful pressure group in the past. It’s true that Mr. Vimal Werawanse said that in the past people looked at the JVP to decide what is right and wrong. It was people’s political compass. But now it behaves exactly opposite way thanks to current agent laders.
Further we would like to emphasis that we criticize JVP not because we hate it as a party. Even though we are not members we loved that part as it has done a tremendous service to our motherland. We want to clean that great people’s party and rescue it from the current western agents.
We don’t bother criticizing UNP, CMC or TNA politicians as we do not see any point doing so. They are born traitors and there’s very little chance that we could correct them.
By Chinthaka.
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